pistonrobs shots

By pistonrob


had a jaunt over to Lake Vyrnwy (sounds Vernway) in North Wales. another grey day to be had but at least the rain stayed away.
the dam was made many a victorian year ago. this entailed moving a whole village full of people and livestock as the dam was being made.for some time afterwards during very hot summers people swam out to the old church bell tower that could be seen poking out of the water. this was finally knocked down for "health and safety reasons.
the dam thats situated at the southen end of the lake was overflowing quite a lot. if you have a look at my "7th - 8th feb" blips you can see the effect it has when it really goes for it, as it did a few weeks back.
as we (the tribe) walked over the dam you could feel the steady rumble of thousands of tons of water flowing beneath our collective feet.
an awesome unstoppable power

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