
By middleman


A rare Saturday morning when I had free time first thing AND swimming lessons at the local baths weren't running. Guess where I headed? One big swim and one blip trip later (in the secret blip venue alluded to yesterday by a fellow blipper) and home for 1130 to the welcoming arms of my entire family. Well, my entire family sitting in the living room saying "We've boiled the kettle, we were just waiting for you, are you going to make some drinks?"

Big pub lunch out, girls on great form and with delightful manners for the grandparents, and then home for some sofa time with a favourite DVD of ours, one of many excellent Studio Ghibli films, My Neighbour Totoro. Magical, lovely and like all great movies everyone has their own favourite bit.

Now, my folks have gone and return home to darkest Yorkshire (well, Hull anyway) tomorrow. Catching up with blips and emails and music and stuff.
Have had the James Blake covering Joni Mitchell on a fair few times and even played it for my dad (aged 72) who preferred it to the original Joni version, although he wasn't keen on James' more dubstep-oriented tracks. I'd go further actually and say that he actively didn't like them if truth be told.

But, the tune today that has really caught me is by some new bunch of young types called Echo Lake. It's brand new but really reminds me of a lot of stuff I used to listen to. Link here offers a free download of the track as well as a listen. And, after hearing it through headphones on my wanderings as well as on my not-quite-so-hi-fi in the kitchen, I can heartily recommend the cans option for the optimum ebb and flow dreamy effect.

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