Jilly Bean's Snaps

By jillybeansimps

Fly Cup & a Fancy Piece

What a miserable day :(

Grey, wet, misty, dreich and just generally yuck - I would prefer snow.

Anyhoo, today's travels took us to the Mains of Drum where not only did we have lunch but we also had a fly cup* and a fancy piece* - fit fine*!

Monday is slowly edging closer and that means back to work after a week off - better make the most of Sunday then!

Hope you are all having fun peeps!


* Glossary

Fly Cup - an illicit or surreptitious cup of tea, usually consumed in the afternoon
Fancy Piece - also 'Fine Piece'. A tasty cake, tray-bake, yum,yum or some such other tasty treat quite often washed down with a 'Fly Cup' (see above)
Fit Fine - really rather pleasant tasting, delicious

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