Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

Emergency blip

Today has been a rather action packed day, well apart from a lazy start which has made it quite tricky to fit in a blip!

It started by my son getting up and making breakfast for him and his sister which meant that although I was awake I could stay lazing around in bed for a bit longer! I then introduced him to the world of the Two Ronnies with the 'Fork handles' sketch which he found rather funny, the one that he really liked was the 'Its a duck' sketch!

Then dragged myself out of bed in plenty of time for his friend to be dropped round at 10.30am (shes a girl! shhh I'm not allowed to tell anyone!) and for a treat we (me and my boyfriend) took the three children to McDonalds and then the cinema to see Gnomeo and Juliet!

Managed to stop off in Arundel to take some photos and then home to make roast dinner!

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