
By Juleshki

Green Stuff

So it's not yet Spring, but does it have to be so cold and grey?

Did some tidying in the back garden earlier. Cups of coffee, extra layers, fleecy hat and gloves made little difference to my body temperature.

Historically the vernal equinox, on March 21st, marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, although some also argue that Spring begins on March 1st.

Whichever date you plump for, my lonicera, alchemilla mollis, (and these are everywhere, so it's a good job they're one of my favourites) also delphiniums, clematis and Forget-me-nots are amongst those that are coming up beautifully, despite the low temperatures. The hostas, Japanese anemone, astilbe and lilies are keeping a very low profile at the moment though.

We've had our second proper winter in a row. I can wait patiently until I can sit outside amongst scented lilies on a warm summers evening, listening to the evening chorus coming from the treetops, and with a chilled glass of wine, as long as someone promises us some sunshine this year.
Am quite easily pleased.

Today's blip, taken once again on the Leeds Liverpool canal, was cropped slightly and most certainly not as much as yesterdays blip which was almost cropped into infinity and beyond. Oops. What was I thinking...?!

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