Floating Weeds

By floatingweeds

Beautiful Babka

Up early this morning allowing a further 2 hours rising to finish the babka after the addition of more butter, nuts, sugar and mega-lumps of chocolate. Beautiful though it was, photogenic it was not. There were gasps as it trembled and exerted a little wobble when I tapped it out of it's bundt pan onto the wooden board. I thought of Seinfeld and 'The Dinner Party' episode, so Colin took a photo of the babka and texted it to our friend Domino (an avid Seinfeld fan).

The picture is of the healthy breakfast option. One of my favourites - Bircher muesli with yoghurt and fruit (this time blueberries and pink grapefruit).

A big thing happened today - I gave away my old bike! Actually, I swapped it for a small freezer. An excellent exchange in my opinion. Although I have to admit to shedding a wee tear once I had let go of the bike. I couldn't help feel Linsey's excitement as she wheeled it away - I had felt the very same 5 years earlier......

(not to worry though - as Sandy pointed out, that old bike represented my Gandalf the Grey period, and now I am well into my Gandalf the White period and all the better for it. Some boy!)

.......later that afternoon I made a wholesome dinner, warped up a frame for some more weaving, and had Alice over for some TLC and cosiness by the fire. We watched The Human Planet (mountain episode), and laughed at my romantic encounters in the local Sainsbury's supermarket.

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