Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Skyline vs Millbrook

Sorry for yet another wrestling blip, you must think me some Greco-Roman crackpot or something.

My eldest son Z is a sophomore, has now made the varsity team, but is wrestling up a class against older competitiors.
The fellow who beat him today did very well in the state championship last year.
Z took the first shot and was beaten soundly by pin. Z commented that when he took the shot, his opponent "racked my nuts" and that this fellow is reknowned for "racking guys nuts". Z appeared in pain the entire ride home.

Strangely, they lit this competition by one large overhead light which made for some unusual photographs. I don't know this man in my blip but he was on the Skyline team. Here he is briefly poised to take a shot on his competitor

Thank you all for the nice comments yesterday after I had to bury Freda the donkey. Blip is a wonderful community and I count you all as friends.


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