In Between Days

By jase


I've taken this week off work - half term and leave to use up, so we are faced with wanting to do lots of things with the kids but it being made difficult with the weather being so poor.

So today we went swimming. I was going to post the above picture of the men's changing rooms in black and white but you would miss out on the fetching pink doors. Very nice.

Knottingley Sports Centre is looking very run down these days. There were less than ten people in the pool including us. I would have expected a few more at half term but maybe people don't go to the swimming baths like they used to. Or maybe they just don't go to Knottingley swimming baths like they used to. I remember going when I was small, it was so busy you were given a coloured band to wear. When your time was up after an hour or so all wearers of a particular colour were told it was time to leave. Maybe they have all those bands stored away in some basement, just in case things get busy again.

Additional note: I forgot to mention - Alana swam 32 lengths! Her furthest ever. My little fish of a daughter:)

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