The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

A Couple Of Swells

We're a couple of swells
We stop at the best hotels
But we prefer the country far away from the city smells

Irving Berlin - Easter Parade

The dynamics in the garden are changing now.

Nearly all the birds are slowly getting into the spring finery. There is a lot more preening, cleaning, jostling, barging, and just plain old showing off going on.

Both these Bullfinches are now out to woo the ladies with their bright chests. They have a few to chose from as my six resident Bullfinches are still around. I have three males and three females, so enough for everybody.

There is a noticeable increase in bird song too. I am inundated with Blue Tits, and the Chaffinches are looking might fine, although we have three males to one female at the moment. There could be tears before the season is out I fear!

It's great watching the garden slowly change, and the patterns of behaviour alter. There will be more back garden blipping to come I assure you! ;o)

Hope you keep checking in.

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