
By Croz

Sunshine After the Rain

This is a shot of the four door entrance to Bielefeld railway station through my car windscreen. No photoshopping apart from a slight curves adjustment.. If you click on the 'Bigger' link below and look in the bottom right corner(green area) you'll see a man folding his umbrella). I was hoping to catch more detail of people in this shot.

The weather has been terrible and the day started off with worry just as the previous night ended, combined with the rain continuously lashing down.. As it did the whole of yesterday.. Being a private kind of man I don't want to go into too much detail but I received a phone call Tuesday morning that unsettled me and caused me massive concern.. As time has continued it's been like a rainstorm gathering, a shedload of housebricks gradually weighing me down.. but today I got the news I was hoping for and so much more... the storm vanished instantaneously and the clouds cleared..and the bricktoilet house on my back crumbled to dust and blew away in the wind.... I am presently elated and the tension and headaches that have built up have now subsided... In tomorrow's Blip I will announce my BIG NEWS..

Unrelated to this issue my great friend Pauline has had a baby boy this evening, which is fantastic.. Ronnie and Pauline have not chosen a name for him yet but it is just superb and I'm so happy for them all..

Sometimes in life when things start to go wrong and you expect the worst something occurs and changes the outlook.. I guess this is why if there's a hope I'll take it every time..I am always quietly optimistic..

"I wanna see the sunshine after the rain
I wanna see bluebirds flying over the mountains again
Oh, where is the silver lining shining at the rainbow's end?"

Elkie Brookes


Mr Pharmacist

If any one has the time I'd appreciate your views on which of the two images you prefer and perhaps any reasons. Cheers Everyone and thank you.

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