Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes


I love this time of year when the daffodils start springing up out the ground. Seeing flowers coming up just makes me happy and makes me think of Spring. It is still cold though, so we may still get some frost that may kill some of these new plants.

I once wrote a poem about flowers when I was a little girl; it was called "The Flower Romance". I used to think I was quite a poet when I was younger. Of course, the poetry I wrote was where the lines rhymed; now days, that isn't the usual case.
I cited my poem to my granddaughter a few months ago, and she thought I was a little strange, but at least a got a laugh out of her.

I really like the way the stem bent down on this flower; it really reminded me a lot of one line in my poem--it went like this--

She looked graceful and she swayed and bent,
And he couldn't resist her wonderful scent.

I hope I have brought you all a chuckle this evening, and not a groan.

Have a great week!

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