Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Go-Gos are Subitising

In-service day today and it was Day 1 of the First Steps in Number course.

I like maths, I just hate it when people try to make it sound more complicated that it needs to be.

New word for the day .....Subitising.

Before we start counting, we recognise collections of one, two, or three just by looking at them. We see at at a glance how many there are. This is called subtilising.

When I got home, I told Claire about the new word for the day. She started panicking that she wouldn't be able to do it, "I haven't started Algebra yet."

I had to reassure her that she was well passed the stage of learning to subitise.

" Why don't you use the Go-Gos to show kids how to do it at school?" she suggested.

So here are the Go-Gos practicing their subitising moves, ready for the first opportunity at school.

Thankfully I had Yoga tonight to relax.

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