True Colours

By HunterGatherer

Crack of Dawn

Mornings. I love them. Even when I have to wake up at ridiculous times to go into the hospital for 8am meetings, or when I have left my curtains open on a cold night and wake up shivering. The whole of the day is stretched out ahead of me, filled with opportunity to do so many things.

When I woke up this morning and opened my bedroom door, this was what I saw at the end of the hall. The kitchen is lucky enough to have the sun rise through the window every morning, and it was just waiting to escape into the rest of the flat, straining against the leash of the door frame.

I opened the door and the brightest sunrise of the year burst into my eyes and into the hall. The rays rushed over me like the day that is now almost at an end, warming me inside and out.

I am so excited for tomorrow.

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