In Between Days

By jase

Green Hat

Just a straight snap really but one by which to remember the day.

It was a late lunch at Pizza Hut where the kids were given these very convincing Yogi Bear hats, made all the more convincing by Louis' use of green crayon. I think he did a grand job.

After lunch it was a visit to the cinema to see Tangled which was pretty good. Kids movies can be a bit hit or miss for the adult watching with them. I once had to endure The Shaggy Dog which Alana absolutely loved. I believe she is still convinced its one of the best movies I've seen. Well it certainly sticks in my mind. She'll probably end up getting me the DVD for my birthday one day and knowing my luck it will be the five disk extended directors cut with eight hours of special features. Not wanting to upset the kids, i'll end up having to watch it. Can't wait.

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