Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Stroboscopic Hoops

Wow... I really got behind on posting Blips this past week or so. Catching up now...

I needed some new images for my upcoming seminars and workshops, so I tricked my son into thinking we were going out to play a game of H.O.R.S.E.

Naturally, he was a bit suspicious when I grabbed my Canon 1D MKIV and a Speedlite, but I assured him I was only going to take "a few quick shots".

He knows me better and was good sport as I nearly blinded him with repeated captures using stroboscopic flash. The entire shot is done "in camera" with no Photoshop trickery whatosever.

Exposure info:
- Canon EOS 1D Mark IV with...
- Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 L
- Canon Speedlite 580 EX II [MULTI mode / 1/32 power / 20Hz / Flash Count: 20
- 1 second at f/2.8
- ISO 100

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