accidental awesome

By alexamato

Today was a great taste of the summer to come. Flowers starting to bloom, good sunshine and warm temperatures all really made the cold disgusting winter feel miles behind us.

I was so excited about the great weather that I blitzed the gym (snagged this blip on the way), inhaled dinner, and grabbed the bike to get out to the skatepark lickity split. Slowly starting to get some skills back, so hopefully the weather will keep up so I can get some more bike-time.

The increased riding will inevitably start reducing the quality of my blips as I'll likely be going out for a ride rather than photos after work. Winter's been great picture-wise because the weather's made riding pretty much non-existent, and you can always take a decent photo no matter what time of day.

Anyways, off work the next couple of days, so plenty of time for both!

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