Chris M

By chrism

The wild west

The wee road down Loch Lomondside is a pig at the best of times. When there is a storm and it's late at night it is the HELLroad. Miles of flood, trees down, endless potholes, lumps of tree, rocks, more water. It is narrow and winds like a demented eel. It's seriously awful. So thats what I did last night. Joy of life.
Arrived in Glasgow just in time for the red traffic light festival. Every sodding one (about 6000) - RED. GRRRR. Then I arrive, leap out of the car. Grab the great big box of suspended files to lift them onto the top of the car so I can lock the car. Half way up the thing flies apart.AAaarrrGGghhhh. Files everywhere, in puddles and wind. Deep Joy. I gather them all up in a soggy mess and discover that the car keys flew out of my hand in the wonderful excitement. I will find them - eventually. I'm sure of it.
Today was not bad but the wind and rain are having another party tonight.
So this is a little bit of calm in the storm. A daffodil that is grateful to be inside.

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