
By mattleach

Wonderful Day!

Wow, today was just what I needed!

I had booked it off work to give myself a lift as I've been really low lately. Will wanted to go ice skating for the first time, inspired by last weekends ice hockey trip.

I was really nervous. I was a really good skater as a kid and played a bit of ice hockey, but that was over 20 years ago and I currently have the spine of an 80 year old!

It was brilliant though. I've had an ice pack on my back since I've got home, but I don't care! Will was really good for his first time and by the end was whizzing round on his own. I find it weird how it's like riding a bike. Within 10 minutes I was skating like a teenager again! I couldn't care less about the crippling pain it was causing I was flying round the rink reminiscing about the old days! Just pure joy. I really needed this!

Decided to treat Will by buying him a hockey stick but they'd sold out of the basic ones. Then the very lovely lady in shop gave him a second hand one for free! Could the day get any better?

Had quite a few action shots from today but decided to go with this one because he made me feel great today and his smile shows exactly how I currently feel.

Off to watch him at footie training tonight then for a beer with the lads after.

I'm going to feel terrible in the morning, but I really don't care! Enjoy your weekends everybody!

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