Blip day 200

Well here I am at 200, cant really believe it, and not missed a single day. This is different than my first attempt which was suspended 3 times, this is my forth attempt. I suppose it had to happen sometime, but rules are rules. So just a very simple one to mark the day.

Thanks everyone who has taken the trouble to view and comment, and also for the support and encouragement which has kept me going on tough days. I love looking at everyones blips there are some fantastic and inspirational images here. Also great to see different views from all over the world

Thanks Joe and blipfoto HQ for this fantastic site.

Some favourites from the last 100 days

Swans at sundown
Adieu Paul
Foggy morning
Scruffy horse
Black headed gull
Three stooges
Signal box
Crystal colours

A great night out last night until I twisted my ankle and had to practically crawl all the way home, absolute agony, so today I'm laid up with a bruised and cut knee from where I fell and a very sore ankle. Ouch

Hope your all having a great Sunday

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