Trial and Error

By DawnC

Escape from Bodmin Moor

Backblipped again due to dodgy Cornish Internet connection.

I dragged the family on to Bodmin Moor today to look at some prehistoric archaeology (I'm always allowed one day to do this) although there was little enthusiasm from anyone but me due to the torrential rain. I abandoned the idea of making them walk to King Arthur's Hall, which is what I really wanted to do, and decided a quick nip to The Hurlers would have to suffice. However, once we started trekking towards their usual location it soon became apparent that the dense fog made it impossible to find them - and I was a bit concerned we'd never find our way off the moor again.

So we headed back to dry out in the warmth of the cottage and on the way I snapped these gravestones in St Cleer (from the car).

With thanks to Amalarian, this is best viewed in large.

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