Everyday... an eye

By 360walk

Paddington House of Pancakes

It was another impromptu outing with my boyfriend. Although it's a Sunday, his new workplace has this deadline that needs to be sought after. He went to work in the morning whilst I worked out the impromptu outing plans with him.

We had both agreed to try out "Meet the Spartans". An comedy dissing the epic movie of 300 and others along with it. He went to get the chestnuts... yes, I love them! I? Got the tickets.

Overall, the movie was a-ok. I won't say it's great nor was it bad overall... but somehow it just lack of real enthusiasm. Maybe it's just me. Honestly, I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I would've expected to enjoy the movie.

Even the two rascals were fast asleep in my bag. They weren't interested after the first 20mins of the movie.

It was after the movie that the impromptu outing became fun... we decided to go to Paddington House of Pancakes for snacks before dinner time. Guess who woke up to join when they saw the food...?

What you don't see in this picture is - Moonay diving in the honey pool later. I had to take him to the restroom to bathe him before bringing him in my bag. But he was happy jumping in there...

My boyfriend had to laugh. The laughing bit made them even more hyperactive. But it was a nice way to end the day, that I must admit.

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