Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Wink wink

So there they were, the Pinkfeet, last night they landed, and stayed in the field in front of the house all night.

I had meant to stealthily stalk up the hedge line yesterday, but things at work meant that I was far longer than intended, and by the time I got home, the light was fading.

I thought they'd be gone at first light but the field must have offered rich pickings with the warm weather, the tender shoots of grass would be irresistible to a goose!

So camera in hand I tried to creep up on them, as they made their "wink wink" noise, (my husband has me trained: Pinks "Wink", Greys "Bark", Canadas "honk" and Barnacles "yap".)

But as soon as they saw me they started to waddle off, and as I tried to creep closer, a section took flight. The light wasn't brilliant, and the little Canon has a decent zoom, but it's no Telefoto!

Anyway, I had cropped this down a bit, but the Gargunnock hills are too impressive to be left out, so it got un-cropped again fairly quickly.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my swan yesterday, I was genuinely surprised by the compliments, so I will keep with the bird theme today.

[iAnd as for the "itch", well I may not get an answer till Tuesday, but there may be light on the horizon, I'll keep you all posted!][/i]

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