life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

saint andrews cathederal

busy busy, friday finished work at 3 then over to fife to do a job for friends before being lavished with a french banquet in honour of our impending move. very humbled and touched by the warmth and genorosity of the gesture and friendship shown to us throughout the last 8 years in scotland. so the farewell tour has begun. suzo is from st andrews so today we went through for possibly the last time to get some photos. also irn bru sorbet and tablet ice cream from scotlands finest ice cream parlour. next stop anstruther( if we were to stay in scotland i could be very happy here) for the award winning fish and chips and a stroll around this beautiful wee town, reminds me of Howth where i'm from.then back home to coordinate t he next stage of packing, painting, keeping, throwing, fixing and generally noticing all the things that still need done. four weeks and we'll be gone.

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