Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Un is Crap as Dong

That might read Uni Scrap A/S and Dong but you can't tell after I bent the hell out of this in curves. Didn't do anything else, honest. Even though I spent ages trying to make a one shot HDR and playing with Photomatix Plugin nothing gave me any kind of effect I liked but one slip of the mouse in curves and wupti (as they say in here) I liked the smoke and then thought what the... why not?

It was the old stone and timber building that caught my eye with the company name "UNISCRAP A/S" - I thought it almosty topical considering that today the UN has universally agreed that Gadafi is bad and must be sanctioned. DOH!
Dong is the national power company (we have the most expensive electricity in Europe here in DK).

Anyway, hope you're all having a fine Sunday - been slack on comments over the weekend but I'm back at work tommorow.

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