Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom

mm type

You gotta love typewriters. I had to rewind the ink-tape today, revealing it's gloriously complex insides. It seemed a pretty good opportunity for a blip.

It should be said that whilst writing this, my favourite jumper is hanging on the hinge of the window, as I eagerly wait for it to dry to see whether it's first wash has either shrunk it or made the fluffy inside less fluffy. It's really quite tense!

Despite my mammoth washing-up session yesterday, I've still got to go do more after uploading this blip - that just ain't cool! I'm very tempted just to keep writing and writing so I don't have to do it... but that might be a little silly


Songs of the Week:

Pure by Blackbird Blackbird - It's beautiful
NY is Killing Me by Gil Scott-Heron and Jamie xx - Really didn't like it when I first heard it, but by the end of the song I had changed my mind
Recurring by Bonobo - Not a newly heard song, but I was reminded of it this week
Bulding Steam With A Grain Of Salt by DJ Shadow - Same with this song, makes me want to drum so baaaad

You can tell the kind of music-style week I was having, although it mostly consisted of a lot of Toro Y Moi listening.

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