As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

Goose Leather

If you are not familiar with Max's Daily you may not know of his challenge to get up close and personal with a goose. This blip is for him.

I went to the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Gardens today and took about 150 pictures. I took about 50 of a bunch of mallards taking a bath in the pond. There are also pictures of the resident cormorants, a pair of wood ducks, a pair of buffleheads, a great blue heron, geese, and a squirrel.

All of those pictures are here in my FB album.

It was cold and windy, but there were hardly any people in the gardens and it is the last free weekend. I will buy my annual membership on my next visit.

Are there any Portland blippers who would like to meet me thre one day?

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