Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

"It's like there's blood on my hands...

....and it's not coming off"

Firstly: don't worry! I'm fine, absolutely fine :-)

I mentioned on Saturday that I had another Casino Royale inspired blip that I wanted to do and so this is me, once again doing my best Vesper Lynd impression - this time, in the shower scene

It's an homage, rather than a faithful recreation (I wasn't going to apply full, black eye make-up at 6am to have it run down my face, hence that's why I'm covering my face instead)

I'm not entirely happy with it as you can't see the water falling down on me from the shower, despite it being on full (albeit slightly weedy) power - presumably that's because I had to go for a long exposure given the fairly low light.

And it was a bugger to do, as once I'd got in the shower I couldn't get back out to check what I'd taken, so had to just keep clicking and hope for the best.

I'll not be trying this again as I:
- flooded the bathroom
- soaked the cable-release
- now have a soaked evening dress to dry (that's a very heavy dress when wet!)

And despite sitting there under the shower for quite some time, did Daniel Craig turn up? Did he heck as like....!

Get Soaked

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