No Drama Here

By Laffingnomi

Return of the Rat

Was only saying a few days ago that I figured the rats had stopped coming into the garden because maybe they now had a food supply in the field.
How wrong was I!
I topped up the bird feeders this morning, put bread and fruit on the feeding table, fresh water in the dish and went about my chores.
The starlings did their usual noisy onslaught, scattering everything onto the garden and emptying the mixed seed feeder. Peering out of the window I saw a pigeon jump over something brown...Oh Aye, I thought, went for a closer look and yes, the rats are back....were they ever away I now wonder...

rats are soft and fuzzy
they love to be adored
when you scratch behind their ears
you will not be ignored
oh sure, there's more exotic pets, like chinchillas and degus,
but i am positively sure
a rat is right for you!
by Meeee

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