I have been an artist, photographer, and writer since the late 1980's. I am just now getting into using digital SLRs and despite a great deal of film experience, the acquisition of a DSLR has almost made film obsolete in my studio.

However, every once in a while I deem it necessary to break o Read more...

I have been an artist, photographer, and writer since the late 1980's. I am just now getting into using digital SLRs and despite a great deal of film experience, the acquisition of a DSLR has almost made film obsolete in my studio.

However, every once in a while I deem it necessary to break out my Yashica Mat-124G and shoot a roll of Fuji Neopan 120 or even better a roll of 120 color film through my Holga.

The digital format seems so flexible, though. I passionately love my Nikon D80.