Through a combination of hard work and good fortune, we now live on an acreage on the outskirts of Brisbane, Australia. Most of the property is protected by an environmental covenant as a corridor for native wildlife. While we don't see too much fauna, there is a huge variety of trees, shrubs, Read more...

Through a combination of hard work and good fortune, we now live on an acreage on the outskirts of Brisbane, Australia. Most of the property is protected by an environmental covenant as a corridor for native wildlife. While we don't see too much fauna, there is a huge variety of trees, shrubs, flowers and other plant life - both native and exotic. 

My aim is to take a photo of a different plant each day, and identify what species it is. That way, I will soon have a full catalogue of all the plant life on my block. And if I see any animals along the way, these will be added as well.