Grabbing a beakfull

Quiet day at home today just me and the kitties.  Had loads to do and have done some of it.  But I got sidetracked and ended up buying an expensive handbag online  I did lots of research to find the right bag and then to try and get the best price so it took some time to actually press the button and order. i did manage to do a load of washing, clean out the cat litter trays  and the washing up has been done.  I cooked roast chicken for my tea - it was lovely. 

This little sparrow dunnock was enjoying some seed from the feeder.  Looking at this shot makes me realise I need to top it up as soon as possible.  ( As you can see from the first comment below I thought this was a sparrow - but I have been told its a dunnock - blip is great for learning stuff isn't it )

Its Taster Night tomorrow at Slimming Club and I usually make something on the day but I wanted to be more organsised this time and get something in the bag the day before.  So I am recording the X Factor results show and will soon get myself into the kitchen to make meringues and or/little cakes.  Wish me luck as baking is not one of my talents.

Steps today - a measly 3,449

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