Squirrel Blip Friday .....

.... and final January Tiny Tuesday results. 

Wow! It's been a fabulous Tiny Tuesday month!  This past week there were 87 entries!  And over 350 entries for the entire month! Thank you so much .... especially to those that participate on a regular basis!  You all rock!  And now the final TT results for January.  These are in no particular order .....

Hearts were awarded to the following:
Trisharooni ~ Beautiful DOF.
SandraSuisse ~ Lovely tiny memento .... love the tinier charm attached.
ninniex ~ Another beautifully photography flower.
Pipersmom ~ She took the joke rhyming theme and ran with it!
Sheol ~ Simply stunning.

Honorable mentions were awarded to the following:
flossie ~ lovely little people scene.
ExtraTime ~ I love the story of a practical Mum splurging just once.
59 ~ Mouth watering!
admirer ~ Sweet little kitty mementos.
Wildwood ~ A lovely little memento of a long lost granddaughter.

So that wraps up my hosting duties for January.  And probably for good .... I have hosted MM twice and now TT once. I'd say that's good enough! According to Jensphotos the February host(ess) is the lovely wrperry ... I'm sure she will be letting you all know the themes (if any) for February soon enough.

Please check out my extra if you have the time. These shots were taken when I went out back to feed the squirrels.  It's been a while since I have seen a bunny in the backyard so I was thrilled to see her.  I can only assume this is the cottontail that has visited us this summer.  I didn't stay long in the back as it's still extremely cold and I couldn't feel my fingers after only 5 minutes!

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