Ben More & Happy Dogs

I didn't realise that last Monday was seven years of MonoMonday - am very happy to have been hosting on this special day.  It was my last day of hosting and you didn't disappoint!  As it's my last day I'm sneaking in some extra honourable mentions -.  seven to pick up on the seven years.  I'm hoping the results reflect the imaginative range of responses.  Thank you to everyone who has taken part this month.  I wish I could give you all hearts.  Here are the results for responses to this old blip.:

Hearts go to:

Dieulafit - for this beautiful ancient looking door
JennyOwen - I thought the shape of the old tyre linked nicely to the shape of the graffiti flowers
Ingeborg - I like the way this old potato symbolises that new can come from the neglected
Kipsie - a beautifully poignant image of a place that has been a significant part of growing up
fitzbilly - for 'graffiti-ing' his kitchen door in such a lovely contrasty way

And Honourable Mentions go to:

timwinterlight - for interesting graffiti and wise words
SquirrelsEtc - made me smile and I appreciate the work that went into setting this up!
ValC - what a fascinating old door and the metal strips almost look like graffiti
Pisky29 - I liked the faces and circles in the frozen ice, picking up on the face in the door and the other circles in the image
ladypop - for her view of boarded up church windows with the shadows of the tree that link to the flower graffiti
nhc - really liked the moodiness and shapes found in this uninviting space
beeday - for her image of the neglected gate/fence, and picking up on the blue tone of the original image

A decade or so ago I had a visual conversation with a very good friend who lived in a different part of the UK.  We tossed a coin and I started it by sending a photo.  No words were exchanged, just images, and we each kept a notebook of why we had chosen our images and what we were responding to.  We got together 18 months later to go over what we had done and the level of thinking and seeing on the same lines was very moving.  Making images is a wonderful way to express how you feel and I can recommend a visual conversation with a friend, especially in these difficult times.  We made a book of our photos and words to go with an exhibition we had.  It's not great quality but I've made it 100% visible so you can check it out, please don't think I'm trying to sell it, I'm not.  It is very over-priced, even at cost price!! 

Carolina is hosting MonoMonday in February and a list of her themes can be found here

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