Summing it up
Not surprisingly, I woke up feeling achy and tired this morning and things went progressively downhill. I had adopted an inert position on the sofa when I spotted Lefty, our resident male Carolina Wren out on the cherry tree, immediately joined by Mrs Lefty. So I hauled myself out and snapped about 10 shots. I think Mrs Lefty perfectly depicts the way I feel today, so she becomes my defacto blip. Lefty (click HERE) is currently missing all of his tail feathers although he looks overall better than Mrs.
I eventually crept back upstairs and slept for several hours, took a couple more tylenol, and am determined to stay upright until bedtime. If this runs the same course as Jab #2, I will be fine tomorrow. Interestingly, Hubs is having only very minor fatigue.
And now, I am off to forage for a bit of dark chocolate and a cup of tea.
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