Bit of a boring day today so nothing interesting to blip. Another rainy day so I didn't go out anywhere.

Spent some time looking online for a new camera - a compact one with a good zoom. I love my Panasonic Lumix but I find it bulky to carry when I'm out and about. I have done some research and now have a shortlist. Very time consuming choosing cameras, comparing features, reviews... and of course the prices. Can't afford the really good ones but there seems to be a good choice of reasonably priced ones out there. Will make a decision soon I hope.

So the question was... what to blip. Looking around for inspiration ( which didn't come ) I spotted this patch of concrete at the side of the patio. Al - who built the cat enclosure - used his left over concrete to fill in a gap at the edge of the patio. I thought it would be dry when I let the cats out later - but it obviously wasn't. So now I have little paw prints set in stone.

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