Spider, Plant ............

............. tiny red mite!!

Definitely more spider AND plant than Spider Plant so if you look you will see a very small spider and an even smaller red spider mite caught in his almost invisible web.

One of those "never saw it 'til I uploaded it" moments ....... mind you this was taken handheld with my 70-300 lens (at full zoom - just for you, Leonine ) so the chances of my seeing them, from the distance I had to stand to get focus, were zero!

Hunt the Mite ....

Thanks for all your comments on yesterday's aquilegia ...... I send a small apology for the very short comments I have left in some of your journals - I have a choice .... short and sweet or many fewer comments ....

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/320" : 300mm : ISO 125

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