and in the afternoon I started my little cycle tour with little hope on one ray of sunshine. But when came at the place at the Uithof, where the maze is, where I found a whole extended family of Nile geese, where the herons were and the stork's nest a little sunshine and warmth made life so much better.
Along the pond many blue, green and yellow damselflies did their dance, but I loved instantly the little beetle that did her manoeuvre at one single stem.
There was a spot where the tops of the reed were hold together by a strange spider's web and I took a picture of it. I thought the spider was inside the intricate threads but that was of course not the case.
Home I discovered a rather big head in it and now I am haunted that it belongs to the dragonfly I followed last saturday.
A man on his bike stopped seeing me and my camera and he asked if I took pictures of birds. I hesitated a bit, but he continued and asked if I had seen two parents on the nest. The mother stood now upon the nest but a second later I saw the father sailing through the air with food and he landed graciously to share it.
Immediately he flew away again. Circling first nearby and then he had disappeared.

My haiku:

Vanished the beauty
I wanted to keep alive
A sorrowful time

And the proverb:

Hij/zij ziet er zoo bedroefd uit als de lamp van een' filosoof.


He/she looks so sad as the lamp of a philosopher.

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