Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

OMG! Is that a PIMPLE on my nose???

It is so difficult to be a teenager, isn't it? Tulip was horrified to discover a big zit on her nose ... she is virtually inconsolable and is drowning her sorrows in suet, I'm afraid. It's not pretty.

I had some fun shots today - the baby blue jays and titmice finally made an appearance in the back yard. I was pretty sure they'd fledged but the parents seem to have been keeping them well hidden up in the trees. But this morning, I got good looks at all of them - and they are cuter than ever! The hummingbirds were putting on a show, too - darting here and there and engaging in a shocking amount of trash-talk. Scandalous.

I found a cooperative hoverfly on my alyssum and there were even pondhawks (green dragons) in the yard which is somewhat unusual. A plethora of things to photograph and marvel over. I've posted 7 shots on Flickr, starting HERE.

I was sorely tempted to blip a hummingbird, but this shot made me laugh, which is always a good sign. Hope it makes you laugh, too.

Happy Friday, Blippers!


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