I thought I will find upon the blackberry blossom flowers in the warm sun, spreading their wings to warm them.
The sun probably not warm enough to their liking and disappearing behind big clouds. I walked the path till Würgassen and returned the same way. Only two butterflies I saw and just as I was taking their lovely portraits, a family came cycling and they cheerfully shouted hello! That did the butterfly flee away.
The ladybirds sweetly connected I could not get clear enough and a thistle flower filled with tiny beetles turned out to be too tricky also.
But before I started my walk I had taken my blip of today already, in my own garden!

My haiku:

The ferry waited
I did not enter though
Not one coin with me

And the proverb:

Onze Lieve Heer is geen gortjes-teller.


Our Lord does not count the pearl barley grains.

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