Getting closer!

We are now nine weeks away from opening school in our new build and suddenly all the little Tonka toys have disappeared and other interesting bits of gear have arrived. Straight ahead is the new Primary Academy, coming out at right angles to the main senior school. Its play area is presently in creation but you will need to look in large to see more.

In the foreground is not, as I incorrectly called it, the bleachers, but the performance space for outdoor creative stuff. You can't see it on this blip but round the back of the main Academy is the farm..yes the farm. We are moving on from having three chickens to a regular collection of animals in addition to the Allotment and Gardens.

The grey blocks are seating and the holes are awaiting trees. I hope there will be some cherries to replace the ones going at the old building. Our office is right round the other side of the main school, towards the front entrance which looks out over the city. Getting exciting!

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