Enjoying the morning sun with mum!

It was a lovely morning to be out on the bike and these two were enjoying the warmth of the early sun in their field on Bents Lane.

As I pedalled up the lane in my own head, I was surprised by a cyclist who greeted me as he went past. He has passed me several mornings over recent weeks and we have exchanged a few words. This morning as I was wearing my Grand Depart jersey we swapped where we would be both spectating this weekend before he disappeared into the distance. This exchange got me to thinking again about those transitory relationships which we have with people who we see on a regular basis but only for fleeting moments.

Where is the elderly man who would comment on the weather as he passed me heading back to our village with his dog for his morning paper? Where is the larger than life chap who sits on his powerful motorbike at the end of Bents Lane, smoking a cigar and enjoying the view of the viaduct? Most worryingly where is Fiona? Over several months I have passed Fiona on my journey to work. If I was pedalling downhill we would shout hello and a quick comment about the weather or the temperature, if I was pedalling uphill then there was time for a longer conversation and, as the dark nights of winter turned into the lighter mornings of spring, I stopped occasionally at the junction to Bents Lane and we would chat. This was when I found out that Fiona walked several miles to work each day in the next village to ours. I think if the situation was different we would be friends, but I have not seen Fiona for several weeks now and I have no way of finding out if she is unwell, changed jobs or moved away.....

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