Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Fall Colors...

I was walking through the kitchen when I caught a flash of orange outside - a quick look confirmed an unexpected bird sitting on the cherry tree. Fortunately, Big Daddy wasn't far away, so I was able to slither over, grab him, aim through the window (cobweb and all) and get off about 20 quick shots. Enough to identify this as a Baltimore Oriole - a very unusual sighting in our part of the country this late in the season! And, yes, that red in the background is non-other than his Royal Redness, the Cardinal.

I donned fleece and scarf and went outside to see if I could get a better view of the oriole, but he was gone. I did, however, see a huge number of cedar waxwings, a yell0w-rumped warbler, some trick-or-treating titmice, some nut-crazed squirrels and all the other usual backyard birds. After an hour of lurking, hands and feet numb, and nose running, I came back in, had a cup of tea and got some much-needed work done. I posted 8 photos on Flickr, starting HERE. The last two are the titmice, one of which would have been my blip today had the oriole not shown up. But now often do I ever see an oriole, much less in late October!

Thanks the lovely comment's on Jezebel's tail - she is demanding more peanuts and a private eating area now...sigh.

Happy Hump Day! (And two days until Hubs' birthday!!)


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