Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Decisions, decisions...

A back blip - because I was too tired to sort out the photos last night. And, frankly, I wanted to enjoy those last few hours of camaraderie with my fellow Blippers last night.

I took around 1,000 photos yesterday ...birds, lizards, gators, wild horses, people...and butterflies!

Maura arranged a private two-hour visit to the Butterfly Rainforest in Gainesville - just 20 photographers and lots of gear. It was amazing ...just flipping amazing. I have so many photos of exotic, magical butterflies. I finally just picked one (this one) somewhat at random. I will sort through all the photos when I have time and post some links.

As I post this, I am in the Orlando airport waiting for my flight to be called. Hated saying goodby to everyone last night and this morning, but looking forward to hugging Hubs.

To Wade, Anni, and Maura ---what can I say to you other than...

Thank you

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