Blip together - day 1

If you don't know what this is about - look here

Hopefully I have followed the instructions correctly! Not sure.

The tartan skirt was an unintentional nod to Blip's Scottish origins (unintentional because i was already wearing it, and celebrating a small vitory that I can get into it so the gym MUST be working!). The height of sartorial elegance - biker boots, leggings, red skirt and pink/purple scarf the fashion police - this woman has committed a major offence! It's alright - I haven't left the house today :-)

Texture series will reappear at some point ...I'm now on a blip mission this week to get hand holders.

Aside from that, in the Hebs household today it has been early Spring clean time. Taken a couple of hours to clean and polish the stone worksurfaces in the kitchen. Who needs the gym?! Cupboards have started to be cleared, Corin's been to the tip (partly because our bins haven't been emptied for over 4 weeks now because of Christmas, New year and snow) and clutter is starting to get put away where it belongs.

Need a little nap now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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