Today is my 4th day in hospital and 5th day without eating anything. The IV's are keeping starvation at the door. Hopefully, I'll be able to return home in the next day or so and will continue to feel better. Healing will take about 6-8 weeks with no activity and then I should be out an Read more...

Today is my 4th day in hospital and 5th day without eating anything. The IV's are keeping starvation at the door. Hopefully, I'll be able to return home in the next day or so and will continue to feel better. Healing will take about 6-8 weeks with no activity and then I should be out and about with my camera again. Our Northwest weather should really be at its best by then. Summer and spring is a most wonderful time of year here.
Last February in Florida I had a bicycle accident and broke both bones in my lower left leg. That wasn't a lot of fun being incapacitated for so long hobbling around on crutches finally. And now this bowel resection...
I won't talk about "Murphy's Law" because I don't need any thing else for now.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Happy Shooting.

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