I live in Nottinghamshire, I have 4 children and cute border terrier dog. I love walking and enjoy the  beautiful countryside.
I know very little about photography, but am hoping to improve by taking regular pictures to put in my Blip photo journal.
Update 26/12/13
On 11/11/12 my then 12 year o

I live in Nottinghamshire, I have 4 children and cute border terrier dog. I love walking and enjoy the  beautiful countryside.
I know very little about photography, but am hoping to improve by taking regular pictures to put in my Blip photo journal.
Update 26/12/13
On 11/11/12 my then 12 year old son had a brain haemorrhage. It happened completely out of the blue and shook our family to the core. The months following were like a nightmare to him and us.
Over a year later and he is making a good recovery, still unable to walk unaided, but talking and eating and keeping us amused as he always did. Blipfoto has been a great way to document his progress and the support I have had from blippers has helped me through some very dark days.
My blipping has been a bit erratic recently, I'm going to try to blip everyday again from 1/1/14.
Update December 2017
Just my 18 year old son,youngest daughter now 19 and Teddy my 10 year old border terrier living with me still in Nottinghamshire. I am really going to try in the new year to be more blip minded as I know it helps to see the beauty and positive in things around me.

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