Journey started at 14 with a Brownie 127 - which won me a guinea prize in a magazine for an "unusual view" of the Eiffel tower...bored with all the usual "tower" shots I stood inside one of the four legs and pointed the camera up to catch the amazing complexity of the steelwork.. Read more...

Journey started at 14 with a Brownie 127 - which won me a guinea prize in a magazine for an "unusual view" of the Eiffel tower...bored with all the usual "tower" shots I stood inside one of the four legs and pointed the camera up to catch the amazing complexity of the steelwork.. Still amused by the "unusual view" philosophy today..
Then followed a Boots Beirette 35mm weapon...went all round the world with me (Merchant Navy) - great for colour slides - Finally, Nikon EM (affordable) FM2N - brilliant machine (not so affordable...).
Then digital struck, D50, D80, - lastlyD300 - which does all I need today despite being considered obsolete (marketing marketing..). Oh..and a Canon G9 equally obsolete (  :-)  ) and an Ixus 95 IS for the pocket - obsolete too...? I'd better stop then...

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