My name is Chrystal Booth, I am nineteen years old and I have a thing for lizards. A huge thing for lizards. I have a Canon 550D at the moment, however I'm planning on getting either a 5D or a 1D some time soon. The majority of my photos are taken with my Canon however there may be a few that a Read more...

My name is Chrystal Booth, I am nineteen years old and I have a thing for lizards. A huge thing for lizards. I have a Canon 550D at the moment, however I'm planning on getting either a 5D or a 1D some time soon. The majority of my photos are taken with my Canon however there may be a few that are taken with a very bad quality camera too xD

Xbox GT: ChristieDarlinn
Twitter: PheonixFaerie
Skype: chrystal1993

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