Nica Traducciones offers you deep text accuracy, focusing on syntaxis, lexicon, and morphology to ensure the best quality translation. Moreover, Nica Traducciones adopts a full-price transparency policy so that the client himself can calculate the cost of the work, always in accord wi Read more...

Nica Traducciones offers you deep text accuracy, focusing on syntaxis, lexicon, and morphology to ensure the best quality translation. Moreover, Nica Traducciones adopts a full-price transparency policy so that the client himself can calculate the cost of the work, always in accord with the final translator.
over 5000 words, students save 60% 
over 8000 words, private companies save 30%
moreover, using the CAT tool save 25%
VAT is charged only in Italy at 5%
Every other country is free from VAT charges
Every registered user has unlimited proofreading of the final work.

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