About Pink Dumpster Conyers, GA Dumpster Rental Services
Local Giving – Bet You Didn’t Know
At The Pink Dumpster rental McDonough GA, we believe in sharing a portion of our profits with organizations that impacts the lives of others in a positive way. We carefully selected three n Read more...

About Pink Dumpster Conyers, GA Dumpster Rental Services
Local Giving – Bet You Didn’t Know
At The Pink Dumpster rental McDonough GA, we believe in sharing a portion of our profits with organizations that impacts the lives of others in a positive way. We carefully selected three nonprofit organizations. Thanks to you people that we never will see, or meet will be blessed.
Harbor of Hope seeks to focus on the wellness and hope for women with breast cancer. They also have a boutique of prosthetics, wigs, bras, and other items. Financial assistance is available for items in their boutique.
Sometimes you might receive a dumpster rental McDonough GA that is not pink but it is white with a red X. We only have two dumpsters painted white. A portion of the profits from those containers are designated for Gigi’s House. Gigi’s House rescues young ladies from the age of 13-19 that are victims of sex trafficking. They offer housing, home school, therapy, and life skills.
In Touch Ministries is a global ministry with information to help you discover your purpose.
Our Story
Breast cancer has touched women in our family for 3 generations. Our battles turned into war and we were determined to face it with total resolve. We have experienced almost every emotion, financial hardship, countless hours of doctor visits and loss of loved ones. Guess what, we have also experience so many victories, joy, healing, friends, awesome news, family closeness, and countless blessings. We cultivated relationships with so many people that we would have never met.
We have a free book that shares in detail our journey in the first portion. The second portion is information about being a caregiver from a man’s perspective. It offers insight, steps to be taken, and things to expect.
Birth of The Pink Dumpster, Dumpster rental McDonough GA
In 2018 our boys wanted to team together and start a dumpster rental McDonough GA business. You see they have witnessed firsthand their entire life watching people they loved battle breast cancer. As toddlers they were in waiting rooms for hours and hours. They were devastated when their grandmother passed away from breast cancer. Little did we know those days made them compassionate and aware of people that are hurting. To our surprise they wanted to paint the dumpsters pink in honor of their mom. Soon after that decision all of the dumpster were painted pink. That was the beginning of The Pink Dumpster.

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